Music and sound design by Aaron David Ross featuring music by Debussy
Installed at the Tieranatomisches Theater in Berlin via
and online via
#HDBOYS, the worlds first boyband in high definition, Summer 2011
Music recorded & produced by Aaron David Ross
Music composed by Alex Kelly-Hoffman & Aaron David Ross
Vocals performed by Alex Kelly-Hoffman
Visuals by Tabor Robak
Choreography by Colin Self
Attitude & video editing by Ryder Ripps
#HDBOYS, the worlds first boyband in high definition, Summer 2011
Music recorded & produced by Aaron David Ross
Music composed by Alex Kelly-Hoffman & Aaron David Ross
Vocals performed by Alex Kelly-Hoffman
Visuals by Tabor Robak
Choreography by Colin Self
Attitude & video editing by Ryder Ripps
Single produced for Dis Magazines’ TRANCEWar
Finished 4th out of 38 in the competition
Written, Produced & Recorded by Aaron David Ross, AKA DRJ
Vocals by Colin Self, Art by Tabor Robak.