“Chunky Monkey” is bristling phazer phunk; distended downtempo served as schizoid lifestyle music. Alone in his basement studio in NYC, ADR has re-assembled the constituents of everyday music consumption, ruminating on reality TV musical realism and the globalized flavors of “stock” music. These experiments are worked into a collage of stoned vocal scats and toothsome puns; wholesome exotica and woozy, schizophrenic pop.
A collection of airtight compositions which flex a range of influences, “Chunky Monkey” recalls the smoothness of big beat, trip hop & reggae against the hard swing of acid jazz. It fuses the silky cheese of Musak with the melancholy plush of jungle & downbeat. Through precise and idiosyncratic blends, ADR conjures a sound for shopping malls and/or space stations; a shark-eyed jest downloaded from the fractured fizz of New Consumerism.
This primate ain’t foolin’ around!
Hardcore Pastiche | Dummy Magazine
Chunky Monkey Reviewed | In Your Speakers
Review - Chunky Monkey | Pitchfork
Aaron David Ross's Fair Trades | Interview Magazine
Feature - Chunky Monkey | The Fader